Sunday, November 17, 2013

Domingo at the Condor Museum

On the way to Lujan we passed through the Parque Nacional Querrada Del Condor, a
road tripper delight and, not incidentally, home to the South American Condor.
Smaller than the California Condor and almost pretty, they sport white wing tips
and graceful flight. A treat to see. Nature called at a hill top roadside cafe/
condor museum. Fang, as the only rally car to stop, used his monkey ways to lure
hundreds of happy bus travelers over for photo ops. Bardhal slickers are in high
demand at toll booths, gas stations, everywhere.
Fang rocks.
Now where did I put that age defying neck cream?

Fang more popular than the banos damas

1 comment:

  1. Skiing in July might be an interesting adventure...........

    Now you know why they don't all keel over of hear attacks from the meat. They do regular heart aerobics with trips through the mountains.
